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Income Tax – What is it, Definition and Concept

The income tax is a financial benefit that natural persons must satisfy before the Condition. It is calculated based on the individual’s income and certain personal circumstances.

East tax it’s a tribute that is levied on all income, gains, and capital losses of natural persons, taking into account their personal and family circumstances.


It has an annual periodicity. Each year, this tax will be calculated according to the income and the circumstances of the person. 


The main characteristics of this tax are:

1.     It is a personal tribute: it is quantified individually for each person. If it were a general tax, it would not take into account the person in particular and would establish an equal tax for everyone, such as, for example, the Value Added Tax (VAT). Instead, this tax is personalized and quantified differently depending on the person.

2.     Direct tax: tax the person directly. It is based on the reality of the economic capacity of the person.

3.     It is subjective: This is so because it considers the personal circumstances of the taxpayer, not like the Consumption Tax (VAT). It will influence the amount of the tax if the taxpayer has dependent descendants or if they have some degree of disability, for example.

4.     Progressive: The higher the base, the higher the applicable tax. Suppose a person has a higher income, the higher his amount to pay. The amount to be paid increases if rents rise proportionally. In this way, the principle of economic capacity and progressiveness.

5.     The percentage to apply will depend on the tax base amount: The tribute is calculated by sections or steps. For example, the tax base can be divided into sections, and each part will be applied its corresponding percentage. Once its percentage is applied to each section, the resulting quotas will be added, and the result of that sum will be the tax amount to be collected by the State.

6.     Periodicity: The income taken into consideration to calculate this tax is that of the calendar year. Each year this tax will be calculated again, thus updating the tax on the economic capacity of the person.

Income tax elements

The main elements that make up this tax are:

·       Taxable event: the situation that gives rise to the tax obligation is that a natural person obtains income throughout the tax year. What is the rent? Income is made up of income from work, income from capital, income from economic activities, and capital gains and losses.

·       Passive subject: It is the taxpayer. In Spain, the taxpayer of this tax will be the person who has the habitual residence in the country.

·       tax base: The amount on which the tax percentage is applied. It will depend on the income of each person and their circumstances.

·       lien type: This is the proportion applied to the tax base to calculate the amount to be paid.

·       Tax rate: The amount that the citizen to the Administration must pay.

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