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Disturbance – What is it, Definition and Concept

 A disturbance is a situation that temporarily breaks peace and coexistence. But, in addition, it must meet two inherent requirements, that it involves violent actions and that a group of people carries it out.


In other words, a disturbance is a disturbance of public order, of a violent nature, carried out collectively.

When we talk about violent actions, they can be fights between individuals belonging to different groups; breaking off the furniture, public or private, burning containers, etc. And it has to be carried out by a group so that its scope is greater.

A lonely person is easy to dissuade and has a can of altering coexistence very scarce. However, if hundreds or thousands of people do it, the damage is greater.

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Riots and revolutions

When we talk about revolution as a political change carried out by the masses from the bottom up, the cause of the disturbance is inherent in the revolutionary process. Instead, the hit of State can be peaceful since it is the military that wields the weapons and can quickly overthrow the Government shift.

On the contrary, the masses, given their lack of professional weapons, military tactics, and coordination, use the creation of disturbances to alter peace and coexistence and promote political change.

The organization of strikes, unauthorized pickets, escraches, damage to public furniture, and violence against privileged groups, among others, are some of the actions used by revolutionary instigators.

Examples of disturbance

Riots can have many causes and be created by people with different interests. As a first example, we can put the case of an authorized and peaceful demonstration that leads to violent actions.


This is something relatively common, as they disturb public order and the conditions in which the demonstration was set. The police forces prepare and try to put an end to the incidents through riot police.

They can also be the disturbances produced by sports hobbies. It is usually seen, above all, in Latin American countries or Europe when there are competitions between clubs from different countries.

Such was the scope of the disturbances caused by the supporters of the Argentine clubs Boca and River that the final of the tournament they were going to play was transferred to Madrid.

Riots also occur as protests against the political regime, the Government, or some of its measures. The caracazo is a good example of this; they were the riots and protests carried out in the outskirts of Caracas as a protest against the package of austerity measures promoted by the recent President Carlos Andres Perez.

After a few years of prosperity, the country entered a crisis, and, to combat it, strong cutback measures were taken. The looting of shops, burning buses, and creating barricades were some of the actions carried out.

Other politically motivated disturbances were the ones recently experienced in Chile in 2019. The cause was the government increase in public transport. The students reacted by protesting against this fact and the liberal course of the Government.

The conflict escalated until it led to looting, burning access to public transport, violence against furniture, etc. The Government had to declare a state of emergency and violently repress the demonstrators.

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