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Materialism – What is it, Definition and Concept

Materialism is a philosophical current that affirms that matter is the origin of the universe and that consciousness and ideas are given from matter.


Materialism maintains that matter is primordial and that it exists, although human beings cannot understand or interpret it. Thus, as a current of thought, it is frontally opposed to idealism are the two great ways of understanding the world.


Idealism defends that consciousness comes before nature, and the latter is reflected in our ideas and thoughts. For materialism, it is the other way around.


The materialist current emerged to explain the conflict between being and knowledge. Being, in philosophy, is matter, objective reality. Materialists are clear about it, matter exists, even if we don’t interpret it, even if we don’t understand it. It is our job, through science and research, to solve their puzzles. Nature exists outside of ideas and human consciousness.


Origin of Materialism


Materialism, like other currents, has been deeply revised, interpreted, and applied to a large number of disciplines.

There are different times in which this has been developed, the first dates back to Ancient Greece. Democritus and Epicurus were the first materialistic thinkers. One of his main contributions was the atomistic view of the world. This considered that the universe was composed of innumerable particles of an invisible size that made up the smallest unit and that erected everything we know.


Another episode of the rise of materialism was in the Renaissance, with the so-called mechanistic materialism. This divided learning and knowledge into very delimited areas, such as physics, chemistry, etc. Thus, it was considered that the processes and changes in nature evolved mechanically in each of these areas, not as if it were a whole.


It is then that we arrive at the materialism of Marx Y Engels. Marxism applied materialist principles to social phenomena, something that was previously only reduced to metaphysics and natural phenomena. For Marx, the confrontations and constant tensions are what determine the reality and the evolution of the world. And this, in turn, is what determines the human being, not the consciousness of the person himself.


Characteristics of Materialism


Materialism has a number of characteristics that give it substance:


  • It has its origin in Democritus and Epicurus, thinkers of Ancient Greece.
  • He opposes idealism as a current to interpret the world and its phenomena.
  • Being is prior to consciousness.
  • Man must discover nature through science.
  • He is an atheist, he does not conceive of a creative being of nature and of man.
  • It opposes the idealistic foundation of the existence of innate ideas.
  • prefer the empiricism in front of rationalism.

Types of Materialism 


More than types of materialism, they are those areas in which materialism is applied as a method of study or interpretation.


Professor Alberto Hidalgo makes the following categorization:


  • cosmological materialism: Matter is the origin of the universe and the foundation of all reality. The matter is not “moved” by a superior being, but rather obeys its own laws and elements that constitute it.
  • anthropological materialism: Make the distinction between soul and body. Explains that human nature obeys physical and physiological phenomena.
  • historical materialism: The material conditions of existence are the basis on which the superstructure. That is, working conditions, techniques, and production all determine how the set of the society.

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