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Redeemable Bond – What is it, Definition and Concept

A redeemable bond is a type of bonus that allows the transmitter its redemption or amortization before its due date.


When we invest in obligations or bonds, we can keep them until expiration or sell them to another investor in the Secondary market. But these financial products are amortized on their maturity date.


However, in this case, we are facing one that has a peculiarity, and that is that the issuer reserves the right to recover it before the agreed date. In this way, the payment of interest is avoided when the situation in the market is not favorable.


How a Redeemable bond works


Its operation is relatively simple. The issuer offers them on the market as would be traditional bonds. If the investor is interested in them, he buys them knowing that the issuer reserves the right to redeem them before maturity.

To avoid the damage that early amortization entails for those who buy it, a performance elderly. In this way, financial compensation offers an incentive over the traditional ones, which are amortized on the scheduled date.

Amortization forms

There are three ways to redeem a callable bond.


1. Sinking fund swap: This is done according to a schedule previously established between the parties.

2. Optional exchange: The issuer reserves the option to exchange it or not at maturity.

3. Extraordinary exchange: When certain causes occur, provided for in the agreement, allow the issuer to cancel it before expiration.


Advantages and Disadvantages of the Redeemable Bonus


Here are two pros and cons


· An advantage for the issuer is the possibility of redeeming it before maturity if the market turns unfavorable. This has a drawback: it must offer a higher interest rate to the investor.

· Another advantage is that, on many occasions, it is cheaper than a bank loan; that is, it has a little financial cost. However, the drawback is that the company will have fewer financing options if it does not have recognized prestige.


Types of redeemable bonus


We have two types of redeemable bonuses.


· On the one hand, those issued by public administrations will work the same as those about interest, amortization, or general conditions.

· Those who emit private companies. In this case, the same thing happens; they are similar to the traditional ones in terms of their conditions.


Redeemable bond example


To finish, let’s see this simple example to understand what has been exposed. We have a 10-year, 100-million-dollar bond with an annual interest rate of 5% and an amortization premium of 102%.


The company pays $5 million in interest each year (100*5%). Then these go down the following year to 3%, and the company amortizes the bonds, returning 102 million dollars (100*102%). It borrows that Money from the bank at that 3% market interest rate.

As we can see, using a callable bond allows you to pay 3% interest on that 102 million dollar of the loan, that is, 3.06 million dollars. We can verify that this amount is much less than he paid before 5 million.

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